The Cardinal's Nest Blog

  • Work Shouldn't Be About Left or Right Every American deserves a chance at earned success. It’s energizing to live life on our own terms through a career we enjoy. However, for too many Americans, poverty is something they can survive but not escape. The system makes choosing not to work a rational decision. Some on…

    March 21, 2024

  • The 2024 West Virginia Legislative Session in Numbers It is the end of the 2024 West Virginia Legislative Session. As the action in Charleston has wrapped up, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what has transpired. Certainly, there were fireworks and heated debates along the way. Interestingly enough, many of the bills…

    March 13, 2024

  • Grocery Stores in Bureautopia There was once a country called Bureautopia. Bureautopia, in its time, looked surprisingly similar to the United States. It had vast natural beauty and resources. It had varied regional cultures across its land. And it had a government that, for better or worse, tried to provision important resources like food to…

    March 7, 2024

  • New Hope Scholarship Application Cycle Means More Opportunity for More WV Students This op-ed was originally published with the Spirit of Jefferson newspaper on Feb. 28th, 2024.   On March 1, the Hope Scholarship will open applications for the 2024–2025 school year, kicking off a new year-round application process recently announced by the West Virginia…

    February 29, 2024

  • With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, there is a lot to love about West Virginia. This is my valentine to West Virginia containing a few of my favorite things. Our Wild And Wonderfulness Firstly, West Virginians truly live in a natural playground. When it comes to getting outdoors, the options are nearly endless, so much so,…

    February 10, 2024

  • A Seismic Shift in the Education Landscape The world of K-12 education has undergone a seismic shift since the COVID-19 pandemic. Righteous parental response to school shutdowns, remote learning, exposure to curriculum, and unequal access to online education precipitated massive legislative responses across the country. Until 2021, no state had a universal or near-universal education…

    February 8, 2024

    Education Sherpa
  • West Virginia Offers Extended Foster Care Services West Virginia is one of 26 states that allows foster care services to be extended after the age of 17 through the age of 21 for teens transitioning into adulthood. Extended foster care services include optional services for previous foster care individuals to support their transition into adulthood.…

    January 25, 2024

  • Tis the Season to Enjoy West Virginia's Beauty Christmas is my favorite time of year; West Virginia's tenacious spirit is perfectly exposed during the holiday season. It’s during these somber, chilly months that I miss my home state the most. However, this year’s yuletide pilgrimage back to the mountains to visit family and friends mingled…

    January 19, 2024

  • Cardinal's Policy Priorities for the 2024 Legislative Session An annual tradition, the Cardinal Institute released its main policy priorities ahead of West Virginia’s 2024 legislative session. This year, session runs from January 10 through March 9. These priorities represent the main policy reforms that the Cardinal Institute believes will best serve West Virginia’s 1.79 million…

    January 11, 2024

  • The West Virginia Hope Scholarship continues to innovate, expanding access to students across the Mountain State. On December 13, 2023, the Hope Scholarship program announced that applications to the program will soon be accepted year-round. The new cycle will include a system of prorated funding for students who apply mid-year to pursue alternatives to West…

    January 4, 2024


The Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy works alongside Mountaineers to build a West Virginia Miracle founded on economic freedom, education freedom, worker freedom, and a culture of freedom enshrined in the state motto: Mountaineers are Always Free.

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