The Cardinal's Nest Blog

  • What are Collateral Consequences of Criminal Conviction? If you’re a typical American, you probably don’t use terms like “collateral” in your everyday life—I know I sure don’t. If you do run across the term, it’s most likely in one of two situations: collateral on a loan or collateral damage (like when you hear on the…

    November 16, 2023

  • Is Work Good for Us? Work is ever-present in our lives. Regardless of if your relationship with work is good or bad, it is a significant feature of your day. For those of us who have traditional office jobs, it takes up about 8 hours or so of our day. For others, especially the self-employed,…

    November 10, 2023

  • What are Unintended Consequences? A bit of a silly question, considering that the term is nearly self-defining. In short, unintended consequences are any unforeseen results, positive or negative, of deliberate action. We are all familiar with unintended consequences in our day-to-day lives. Struggling to retain information during a meeting at work because of a late…

    November 2, 2023

  • There's Something Special About October I love October in West Virginia; I always have. The crispness of chilly morning air, the smell and sound of leaves falling after their far-too-short burst of autumnal color, the general stillness outdoors as people begin to spend more time inside, and, of course, Halloween—the “spooky season.”   October is…

    October 26, 2023

  • Foster Kids Are Constantly Moved Around Our foster care system devastates kids’ lives by uprooting them from their communities. These children are being shipped out of state. Some are moving to dozens of different living situations throughout their years in the foster care system. To be fair, the DHHR usually has the stated goal of…

    October 19, 2023

    Foster Care Month
  • Parenting Teaches Us a Lot About Life As a new parent, learning to appropriately discipline a little person has caused me to reflect on concepts of rational choice, justice, and equal opportunity. Parents discover that the consequences meted out to a child should be as natural and logical as possible. It is difficult to learn…

    October 12, 2023

  • Liberty Transcends Political Boundaries The Cardinal Institute exists to research and communicate freedom oriented public policy in West Virginia. “Freedom oriented public policy” transcends political ideology. Sometimes, freedom oriented policy seems conservative, especially when it comes to talking about taxes. At other times, these policies sound a little libertarian. For example, when we want to…

    October 5, 2023

  • Lies, Statistics, and Mark Twain “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” This quote is often attributed to Mark Twain though the true source remains historically murky. Origins aside, the sentiments behind the quip are worth taking seriously. Certainly, for myself as a policy professional. But also for you, dear reader,…

    September 28, 2023

  • WVU Faces Budget Crisis and Difficult Decisions West Virginia University (WVU) has undergone the difficult process of eliminating 28 majors, 143 jobs, and millions of dollars in spending. The cuts were prompted by the university's $45 million deficit this year. Deficit projections over the next five years are estimated to grow to $75 million. On…

    September 21, 2023

  • Remote Work is a Growth Opportunity for Appalachia As I was canvassing prospective guests for our Forgotten America Podcast, I came across Aaron Renn’s report titled “The Future of Appalachia.” Renn outlines areas of both growth and opportunity throughout Appalachia. He believes remote work is an area of opportunity for the region. Two firms –…

    September 14, 2023


The Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy works alongside Mountaineers to build a West Virginia Miracle founded on economic freedom, education freedom, worker freedom, and a culture of freedom enshrined in the state motto: Mountaineers are Always Free.

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