The Cardinal's Nest Blog

  • April Showers Bring May Foster Care Awareness For many, when we think of May, the first things that come to mind might be summer holidays like Memorial Day and Mother’s Day or summer BBQs and celebrations. While these occasions are noteworthy and reason for celebration, it’s important to recognize another holiday that May brings: National…

    May 15, 2024

    Foster Care Month
  • Civil Discourse Is Lacking Because Civics Education is Sidelined You don’t have to look very hard to surmise that civil discourse in this country is fundamentally lacking. Often, there seems to be an outright refusal to engage in anything that might resemble a reasonable discussion. What is most surprising about this phenomenon is that civil…

    May 9, 2024

    Independence Day
  • Greetings from Ireland! My family and I are currently about two-thirds the way through a wonderful vacation where we’ve been able to use our American driving stamina, much to the amazement of some of the Irish we’ve come into contact with, to see vast portions of the Irish island whose size is sometimes compared to…

    May 2, 2024

  • Traveling to Arizona to Learn About Unbundled Education West Virginia, whether she knows it or not, is in the midst of a revolution. An unbundled education revolution. And I am here for it! But where did it all start and where is it heading?   I was fortunate enough to attend an education conference in…

    April 11, 2024

  • Reflections from G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy Recently, I have been reading G. K. Chesterton’s book Orthodoxy. His 1908 work has settled in as a seminal piece in Christian apologetics. The book was written as a “spiritual biography,” as described by Chesterton himself. It chronicles his personal journey to adopting Christianity. Rather than attempting to rationalize Christianity’s…

    April 4, 2024

  • Work Shouldn't Be About Left or Right Every American deserves a chance at earned success. It’s energizing to live life on our own terms through a career we enjoy. However, for too many Americans, poverty is something they can survive but not escape. The system makes choosing not to work a rational decision. Some on…

    March 21, 2024

  • The 2024 West Virginia Legislative Session in Numbers It is the end of the 2024 West Virginia Legislative Session. As the action in Charleston has wrapped up, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what has transpired. Certainly, there were fireworks and heated debates along the way. Interestingly enough, many of the bills…

    March 13, 2024

  • Grocery Stores in Bureautopia There was once a country called Bureautopia. Bureautopia, in its time, looked surprisingly similar to the United States. It had vast natural beauty and resources. It had varied regional cultures across its land. And it had a government that, for better or worse, tried to provision important resources like food to…

    March 7, 2024

  • New Hope Scholarship Application Cycle Means More Opportunity for More WV Students This op-ed was originally published with the Spirit of Jefferson newspaper on Feb. 28th, 2024.   On March 1, the Hope Scholarship will open applications for the 2024–2025 school year, kicking off a new year-round application process recently announced by the West Virginia…

    February 29, 2024

  • With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, there is a lot to love about West Virginia. This is my valentine to West Virginia containing a few of my favorite things. Our Wild And Wonderfulness Firstly, West Virginians truly live in a natural playground. When it comes to getting outdoors, the options are nearly endless, so much so,…

    February 10, 2024


The Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy works alongside Mountaineers to build a West Virginia Miracle founded on economic freedom, education freedom, worker freedom, and a culture of freedom enshrined in the state motto: Mountaineers are Always Free.

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