
October 28, 2022

AMICUS Brief in Support of Eagle Forum

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Amici comprise a wide range of organizations and individuals, from non-profit policy groups, to federal and state legislators, to individual citizens. Their interests and goals vary. But all agree that the United States’ subpoena in this case is a transparent use of the civil litigation process to chill the speech and political organizing of those who hold views contrary to those of the United States and the Department of Justice. The subpoena harms not just members of the public across all ideological and political spectra, who will be inhibited from open discourse and petitioning, but also legislators themselves, who benefit from hearing from their constituents without those citizens fearing subsequent federal investigations seeking reams of protected materials.


Advancing American Freedom, Inc.
Alabama Center for Law and Liberty
America First Legal Foundation
American Family Association, Inc.
Americans United for Life
The Buckeye Institute
Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy
Center for Arizona Policy
Center for Family and Human Rights
Citizens United
Citizens United Foundation
The Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternative
Concerned Women for America
Faith & Freedom Coalition
The Family Action Council of Tennessee, Inc.
The Foundation for Government Accountability
Foundation for Moral Law
Frontline Policy Council
Independent Women’s Forum
John Locke Foundation
Judicial Watch, Inc.
The Liberty Justice Center
Louisiana Family Forum
Manhattan Institute
Michigan Family Forum
Mountain States Legal Foundation
The National Right to Work Committee
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
Parental Rights Foundation
Pennsylvania Family Council
Private Citizen
Protect Our Kids
Public Interest Legal Foundation
The Religious RoundTable, Inc.
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
Tea Party Patriots Action, Inc.
Tennessee Eagle Forum
Texas Public Policy Foundation
U.S. Congressman Robert B. Aderholt
U.S. Congressman Mo Brooks
U.S. Congressman Jerry L. Carl
U.S. Congressman Barry Moore
U.S. Congressman Gary Palmer
U.S. Congressman Mike Rogers
Alabama Sen. T. Christopher Elliott
Alabama Sen. J.T. “Jabo” Waggoner
Alabama Rep. Chip Brown
Alabama Rep. Arnold Mooney
Alabama Rep. Matt Simpson
Alabama Rep. Tim R. Wadsworth
Caroline M. Aderholt
Allen Mendenhall
Hon. Hans von Spakovsky


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