Cardinal Institute and AFP-WV Encourage Governor Justice to Extend Charter School Application Deadline

DATE: August 5, 2020
Amanda Kieffer, Communications Associate, The Cardinal Institute for WV Policy
PHONE: (304)-541-9551| EMAIL: [email protected]
Cardinal Institute and AFP-WV Encourage Governor Justice to Extend Charter School Application Deadline
Charleston, W.Va. – The Cardinal Institute and Americans for Prosperity-West Virginia sent Governor Justice a letter requesting his administration provide a six-month extension beyond the original August 31, 2020 deadline for West Virginia’s inaugural charter school applications.
The letter contains the rationale given for the extension request. You can read the text of that letter here.
“In light of the massive disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis, it is necessary and proper to give any prospective charter school applicants additional time to prepare their applications,” said Garrett Ballengee, Cardinal Institute’s executive director. “The application process is thorough, intensive, and detailed – applications can easily be several hundred pages long. It is critical that we give additional time to ensure that the received applications are as high-quality and thoughtful as possible.”
“With tax-filing deadlines extended, regulations suspended, and the school year delayed, there is plenty of precedent for this extension to be granted. We think an extension is in the best interest of the applicants, as well as the families that will choose the charter option as their preferred learning environment,” Ballengee continued.
To schedule an interview, contact Amanda Kieffer at 304-541-9551 or [email protected].
About the Cardinal Institute
Located in Charleston, the Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy, Inc. is a 501c(3) non-profit founded in 2014 to research, develop, and communicate effective free market public policies for West Virginia.