Ep.009: Girl Meets World
Cardinal Team
Casey Pifer is the Director of Institute Relations for the Atlas Network, a nonprofit organization connecting a global network of more than 475 free-market organizations in over 90 countries to the ideas and resources needed to advance the cause of liberty. She’s also a native West Virginian. Today she joins Garrett on the Forgotten America podcast to talk about the commonalities between our work in West Virginia and hers in an international context, wild horses in Montana, Big Game in Africa, and street vendors in India and how everyone, no matter where they are in the world, is ultimately dealing with the same sorts of challenges and are searching for solutions that affirm their human dignity.
You can learn more about Casey Pifer and her work with the Atlas Network at https://www.atlasnetwork.org/about/people/casey-pifer
Organizations mentioned during this episode:
Centre for Development Great Lakes – Burundi
Centre for Civil Society – India
Property & Environment Research Center – Montana, USA
Atlas Network – Virginia, USA
William “Bill” Easterly – you can read about his career, research, and books at http://www.williameasterly.org/
A great resource for Hayek’s Knowledge Problem is found at the Foundation for Economic Education
Never heard of the Communist state of Kerala, India? Wikipedia has a good description to familiarize yourself with it.