Jeff Kimble
Board MemberJeff Kimble is a lawyer practicing in the Clarksburg office of Robinson & McElwee PLLC where he serves on the firm’s board of directors. His practice primarily involves commercial and corporate defense with a particular focus on property-related litigation. Jeff serves on the Board of Directors of Clarksburg-Uptown. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Harrison County Chamber of Commerce and chaired its Legislative Committee. He also served as President of the Harrison County Bar Association.
Jeff has been an active blogger on liberty and constitutional issues for years. He has been very active with Compact For America in its effort to utilize Article 5 of the Constitution to propose and ratify a balanced budget/debt control amendment and has given public presentations regarding the application of Article 5 to achieve state-initiated constitutional amendments. Jeff believes that, for liberty to prevail, it must first once again be understood and appreciated by a critical mass of the population. It is from that perspective in particular that his high regard for the work of The Cardinal Institute made him excited to become a part of its organization.
Jeff and his wife Laura have been married for 30 years and have three amazing young adult children who constitute the central motivation for their efforts to advance the cause of liberty.
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